On this site you'll find all information on Voting semester ticket Deutschlandticket

Statment of asta and stupa (german)

Those who study at the University of Applied Sciences Bonn-Rhein-Sieg automatically receive a semester ticket in most cases. This is financed by the semester fee and costs about 34€ per month. The ticket is valid throughout NRW on all local public transport. The basis for this low price is the solidarity model, all nearly 750.000 students in NRW have to take the ticket and therefore there is a kind of quantity discount. Since the introduction of the Deutschlandticket in May 2023, the student committees would like to see the semester ticket adapted. However, so far there is only the possibility to upgrade the semester ticket to the Deutschlandticket. In effect, this means that students who want to travel nationwide pay the same as all other users. There are currently no discounts for students and we see this critically. At the same time, we are also concerned about legal security. Already in the past there were complaints at student committes against the semester ticket, thereby it concerns again and again that students must take the ticket, but do not use this. So far, the solidarity model has always been confirmed by the courts, as there was a considerable price advantage. Due to the Deutschlandticket, the courts could decide differently this time, since the price difference between the normal ticket and the semester ticket is less than before. Here we fear as AStA that this could have financial consequences that ruin us. Therefore, for legal protection in the StuPa have sought a ballot. The StuPa has examined the situation and has declared itself in favor of a ballot on November 13 and 14.

Slides der Infoveranstaltungen

What happens if the student body decides to keep the semester ticket?

If the student body decides to keep the semester ticket, the semester ticket contracts would continue to run. All students would continue to receive and pay for a ticket*.

*Exceptions: see Frequently Asked Questions

Students would thus continue to remain mobile regardless of the development of the Deutschlandticket in 2024 and the advantages in the VRS area would be maintained. An upgrade to the Deutschlandticket would still be possible on a monthly basis for the respective price difference; without a subscription and without a Schufa query.

This offer remains in place regardless of the outcome of the ballot.

Die Urabstimmung ist bindend sobald mindestens 20% der Stimmen aller Studierenden auf eine Option entfällt. Sollte dies nicht erreicht werden, liegt die Entscheidung im Ermessen der Studierendenschaft, vertreten durch StuPa und AStA. Diese werden das Ergebnis der Urabstimmung in jedem Fall bei der Entscheidungsfindung berücksichtigen. Die Frage der Urabstimmung ist mit Absicht so formuliert, dass AStA und StuPa bei maßgeblichen Änderungen in der Gestaltung des Semestertickets zu Gunsten der Studierenden in der Lage sind dies umzusetzen, auch unabhängig von dem Ergebnis der Urabstimmung.

Yes! For the difference in the price of the Deutschlandticket, students can purchase an upgrade on a monthly basis.

The purchase is possible in the online store of the Deutsche Bahn, where you can also get the normal semester ticket. Or you simply click here.

What happens if the student body decides not to keep the semester ticket?

If the student body decided not to keep the Semesterticket in its current form, there would be several options.
In the event of complete termination, the section would be removed from the contribution regulations as of the summer semester of 2024.

All students would then no longer have to pay the affected part of the mobility contribution, but would then also no longer be entitled to use public transport through their contribution from 01 March 2024.
It also wouldn't be possible to purchase a semester ticket individually.

Somit müssten alle Studierenden für sich selbst Mobilitätsmöglichkeiten suchen. Für die Meisten dürfte in dem Fall ein Deutschlandticket Sinn ergeben.

This offer remains in place regardless of the outcome of the ballot.

Die Urabstimmung ist bindend sobald mindestens 20% der Stimmen aller Studierenden auf eine Option entfällt. Sollte dies nicht erreicht werden, liegt die Entscheidung im Ermessen der Studierendenschaft, vertreten durch StuPa und AStA. Diese werden das Ergebnis der Urabstimmung in jedem Fall bei der Entscheidungsfindung berücksichtigen. Die Frage der Urabstimmung ist mit Absicht so formuliert, dass AStA und StuPa bei maßgeblichen Änderungen in der Gestaltung des Semestertickets zu Gunsten der Studierenden in der Lage sind dies umzusetzen, auch unabhängig von dem Ergebnis der Urabstimmung.

If the student body decides to cancel the semester ticket, the current contract would be terminated in the summer semester of 2024. From then on, in the event of a better offer, it would always be possible to enter into a new contract on a semester-by-semester basis. However, since this would involve greater administrative effort, this offer would have to be in place several months before the start of a semester.

Nein! Falls sich gegen die Beibehaltung des Semestertickets in seiner jetzigen Form ausgesprochen wird und gleichzeitig entweder kein oder nur ein drastisch teureres Deutschlandticket angeboten wird, haben wir die Möglichkeit nur ein VRS-Ticket zu den aktuellen Konditionen zu beziehen.

Cast your vote


13. & 14. November - 08:00 -16:00 Uhr

Sankt Augustin

In front of the cafeteria


Entrance G-Building


10 O 16

All students may only vote at the campus where the student body to which the student is assigned according to the membership list is located.

Postal vote

Briefwahlanträge waren bis zum 07.11., 23:59 Uhr Online einzureichen.

Completed absentee ballots must be received at the StuPa reception or mailbox by 4:00 p.m. on Nov. 14.

The information shown here is based on the announcement of the student body's ballot (DE .pdf | EN .pdf) and is not legally binding.

Semester ticket vs. Deutschlandticket

Questions on...

semester ticket

Contractual partners for the semester ticket are, on the one hand, the student body, represented by the Student Committee, and, on the other hand, Deutsche Bahn and Verkehrsverbund Rhein-Sieg.

Unfortunately, it is not so simple. The prices are offered to us by VRS / Deutsche Bahn. The only way to have an impact is to cancel the contract. The ballot won’t bring us a better price, but the students can decide if they are willed to pay the price by voting at the ballot.

The semester ticket was a hard-fought achievement that was endangered by the introduction of the Deutschlandticket. In order to be able to continue offering it, the student bodies are calling for a semester ticket valid throughout Germany for 129€ per semester. In Bavaria and Lower Saxony, cheaper semester tickets are already offered. For other status groups, options have already been created in NRW as well. For example, there is a discounted Deutschlandticket for elementary school students at a price of €29.
The current NRW semester ticket for H-BRS students combines the VRS semester ticket and the SemesterTicket NRW. With it, you can use all connections of the public transport in the whole of NRW around the clock. In the VRS area, you can also take a bicycle and a passenger, as well as up to 3 children, on Mondays to Fridays from 7 p.m., as well as on weekends and holidays.

The favorable pricing of the semester ticket is only possible because all students purchase one ticket. Until the introduction of the Deutschlandticket, there was a very significant price difference compared to the next cheapest NRW-wide ticket*. This difference justified that all students have to pay the fee. Since the Deutschlandticket is now very close in price, we are now voting among the students whether the difference is still worth it.

*(SchönesJahrTicket NRW, € 3,010 per year).

A request for exemption may be made, if
- A study-related semester abroad or practical semester or internship outside NRW of more than 4 weeks is undergone.
- A severe disability exists that makes it impossible to use buses and trains (severely disabled person's ID card with the designation "RF").
- A federal volunteer service (Bundesfreiwilligendienst) is performed.

In addition, the student body has the possibility to refund the mobility fee in cases of social hardship, if the payment of the semester fee is at risk. If you have financial problems paying the contribution, please contact the AStA.

The current NRW semester ticket for H-BRS students contains a combination of the SemesterTicket NRW and the VRS semester ticket. This allows you to use all public transport connections throughout NRW. In the VRS area, you can also take a bicycle and a passenger, as well as up to 3 children, on Mondays to Fridays from 7 p.m., as well as on weekends and public holidays.The Deutschlandticket allows you to use all public transport connections throughout Germany. Carrying along bicycles or passengers is not included.

Yes! For the difference in the price of the Deutschlandticket, students can purchase an upgrade on a monthly basis.

The purchase is possible in the online store of the Deutsche Bahn, where you can also get the normal semester ticket. Or you simply click here.

Yes! Since the upgrade is on a monthly basis and not a subscription, no credit report is requested and all students can simply purchase it.

Für 2024 bleibt der Preis im ersten Halbjahr bei 49€. Danach könnte eine Preiserhöhung anstehen. Die Vekehrsminister verhandeln bis zum 1. Mai über die weitere Zukunft.


Some peripheral areas of NRW are included in the semester ticket. This includes both the areas of the NRW-Ticket as well as the areas of the VRS-Ticket.


A ballot is a democratic decision-making process in which the student body seeks to place a decision on an even broader democratic footing. Ballots take place when either

a) at least 10% of all students demand this
b) the StuPa so decides.

In the current case, the StuPa decided this at an ordinary meeting.

All regularly enrolled students at H-BRS can participate in the ballot. This also includes master's and doctoral students.

Yes there is! All students of the H-BRS get the first half hour per rental at Nextbike for free. To take advantage of this offer, all you have to do is register with your university email at

This offer remains in place regardless of the outcome of the ballot.

Die Urabstimmung ist bindend sobald mindestens 20% der Stimmen aller Studierenden auf eine Option entfällt. Sollte dies nicht erreicht werden, liegt die Entscheidung im Ermessen der Studierendenschaft, vertreten durch StuPa und AStA. Diese werden das Ergebnis der Urabstimmung in jedem Fall bei der Entscheidungsfindung berücksichtigen. Die Frage der Urabstimmung ist mit Absicht so formuliert, dass AStA und StuPa bei maßgeblichen Änderungen in der Gestaltung des Semestertickets zu Gunsten der Studierenden in der Lage sind dies umzusetzen, auch unabhängig von dem Ergebnis der Urabstimmung.

Should the student body decide to cancel the semester ticket, the current contract would be terminated. From then on, in the event of a better offer, it would always be possible to enter into a new contract on a semester-by-semester basis. However, since this would involve a greater administrative effort, this offer would have to be in place several months before the start of a semester.

Info Events

Sankt Augustin

02.11. - 16:30 Uhr


07.11. - 14:00 Uhr



02.11. - 14:00 Uhr


07.11. - 16:30 Uhr



09.11. - 15:30 Uhr

10 E 13

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